Thursday, February 2, 2012

America and our Hollidays

Today is groundhog day! and its ridiculous!
Firstly I just want to point out how many ridiculous hollidays and taditions we have here in America.
  • A magic bunny brings you candy.
  • A magic fairy takes away your teeth and gives you money.
  • A magic elderly person breaks in and leaves you presents.
  • A magic green midget will pinch you if you don't wear green.
But this one takes the cake!
  • A large magic squirrel will see his shadow or not and dependent on that we will have differing weather patterns.

I can accept the tooth fairy, I can even accept Santa and the Easter bunny but the ground hog is ridiculous.
Today I sat and wondered what it looks like, the groundhog cerimony,
So I looked it up.

If you watch it, you cant even tell if hes sees his shadow or not! He is just too intent on getting that cheese! When I was a kid I imagined the ceremony being alot different on how it actually is. But I am starting to learn that its how life is. You just gotta make the best of everything even when its not what you expect. 
Live, Laugh, Love, Hope, and beware of magical rabid groundhogs.

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